Wednesday, February 2, 2011

molotov cocktail ( tips medan perang) 18sg

AWAS!!! , mengandungi unsur jenayah yang tinggi.

rata-rata dunia sekarang, gerakan revolusi sudah bermula. wahai saudara pejuang di luar sana, di sini adalah satu tips untuk anda kelihatan lebih bergaya di medan perang di luar sana. *peringatan, jangan gunakan sekiranya anda tidak berada di medan tempur. penyalahgunaan adalah sama sekali dilarang bagi mengelakkan ketidak seimbangan ekosistem.. ;p

lesson 1 ; molotov cocktail

general objective ;
- at the end of the lesson, we should be able to make a molotov cocktail.

specific objective ;
- people who will join a  street demonstration, will have an opportunity to throw a molotov cocktail towards a tank.
- embracing extreme manner in a street demonstration.

values ;
-strictly no good values, ( extreme )

materials ;
- used glass bottle, gasoline, liquid fuel (kerosene/diesel), a piece of cloth, masking tape

intro ; - what is a molotov cocktail?
-a crude incendiary device consisting of a bottle of flammable liquid ignited by means of wick.
- in iran called molotovkoktor 

 1st ;
-One poures Gasoline (benzine) into a glass bottle. The bottle shouldn't be filled to the top, after all, it is to be thrown. 

2nd ; 
-A piece of cloth is put into the neck, keeping the gasoline inside. The piece of cloth is best used if it is soaked in something flammable too. It should not be soaked in Gasoline, but is more effective when soaked in kerosene (paraffin) or diesel.

alright people, now you know how to make a molotov cocktail. but please, make sure that you were in the right place to use this. since that, thanks for the lesson, see you in the battlefield..

*rise up, rise up, its the time to wake up and strive up.

references ; 
-anti-tank movement.
- freedom manual,

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