Monday, June 6, 2011


back in bussiness, i'm travelling this journye, fi another level..
next step, as higher interpretations.

shall we play the game again before they ceased their fire.

journalistas, call me back when you breath your own wind, island.

sebenarnya, aku tidak sangat menyokong ideologi yang menyatakan 'haikal' sulaiman itu adalah untuk kegunaan lain, bahkan, ia adalah rumah-rumah kesufian yang tidak patut dirobohkan. sudah waktu kita pulang ke pertempuran bersama mereka , PEOPLE.

1 questions fi ye, which regimentation builds abrahah's army? and how do they build that haykal's back.

israeali engineer, must be the best.

why did u said that?  because you were afraid to think about it extremely. =)

-kisaf yusuf, perihal raja sulaiman, dan balqis. balqis sudah punya istana, tp mahu lagi? apa..

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