Monday, February 28, 2011

selamat pagi, saudara, (manusia)

Parlimen Negara 28/02/2011

perjalanan seperti biasa, berARAK ke dalam bus menuju destinasi.
tidur dalam bus - macam maju dan progresif.

"masih ramai yang tidak sedar lagi"..

penipuan , penindasan itu berlangsung secara "demokrasi berparlimen"

kenapa? mengapa?

mereka masih berMAHArajalela, sedangkan masih ramai yang lapar diluar sana.
apa mereka lupa, humanisma nya dimana?
leka, lupa, alpa atau sengaja?
rakyat, tiada siapa yang tahu situasi sebenar mereka.
lapar, dahaga , terseksa berpeluh - jatuh.
kekitaan itu tiada bila ada kasta (class) ,  ada "raja".

eksekutif, konservatif , mereka aktif , tapi pasif.

duit rakyat. harta rakyat, apa hanya untuk pemimpin demokrat?

oh rahsia, oh rahsia, mengapa dan kenapa?

masih ada yang alpa, hanya ingin kaya dan berharta.
tapi kekitaan itu kian hilang, akibat 'sikap' , 'prejudis' dan 'kealpaan'

*"dari rakyat untuk rakyat, demi cinta sesama manusia..
(ayat ini jek pas ke ceroh)" - dari satu hakikat.

yang benar


Hari Setem Satu Dunia


oh collectivist semua,
berkumpul demi cita dan cerita,
dengan seni cop dan bunga.

sekeping, sehelai, gambar mewarnai,
yang lama itu indah.

the journey



*spread the loves!!! promosikan cinta sesama kita.

they won't believe untill they start to love,
they won't love untill they start promote peace among themselves.


*references ; aku rakyat malaysia

National Novice Debate 2011

-them 'free'
-everyone got them uniqueness.

it was great to hear the schooler debating about "holistic education", "world's politics" and "wars".
so, how was u people? future teachers?
are u ready fi ya next task? to guide, to lead?

1st tip ; equip ya self with the 1st ethics, KNOWLEDGEABLE

MAKNA, the purple ribbon

mak cik zabidah,
cervix cancer survivor.

non-stop bleeding, the blood clotting out,
until there's no haemoglobin left.
the cancer was about cabbage flower size.

"6 month to go", said the doctor.

had gone for 4 times kimotheraphy and 39 times radiotheraphy, HKL.

kata makcik, ia seperti "mengelasar dalam kehidupan".

apa makna kalau kita gembira, tapi melihat ada yang sengsara?
apa rasa kalau kita dibiarkan sengsara mengelasar di dunia?
ayuh teman, rakan, promosikan cinta sesama insan.
tiada guna kalau hanya bahagia dan gembira tanpa mengenali erti kasih sesama manusia.

perubatan itu sepatutnya percuma, demi kasih sesama manusia.

"live a healthy lifestyle" - majlis kanser nasional..



*maaf lambat.. ini antara kerja2 tertunggak... dan disebabkan talk ini, saya kehilangan 10 markah utk kuiz.. tahniah. ;)

Monday, February 21, 2011

DIY - How to Make a Zine; Paper, Scissors, Pen - Rockin!

nellie the elephant , lesson plan 2

Class :3

Duration : 1 period (40 minutes)

Date: -

Level : Intermediate

Topic : nellie the elephant

Skills focus : Listening and Reading (aesthetic)

Language content : Vocabulary and Theme

Previous knowledge :

Curriculum specifications ;

General objectives : Upon successful completion of the lesson, students will be able to:
i) identify the main idea of the song
ii) follow the instruction given

Specific objectives : Upon successful completion of the lesson, students will be able to:
i) understand a verse of song literary
ii)fill in the blanks in the lyric by listening to the song.

Teaching aids : video player , “Nellie the Elephant” song by Toy Dolls, lyrics, worksheet, handout.

Moral value : respect the animals, and all the living things around us

References :

 Lesson development

Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Teacher asks students about their background knowledge about 'elephant'
2. ask them whether they had been listen to a story about an elephant name Nellie or not
- to activate their schemata and develop some initial ideas related to the topic.

Presentation (20 minutes)
1. Teacher will then ask students to watch a video.
2. Teacher will sing the song once (with correct stress and intonation) and briefly go through the
lyric line by line
- to set a model for the students to follow.(teacher should be aware of his language too)
3. students will sing the song all together
4. Students are asked to give their general views on the song

5 . show the next video , and ask the student to follow the movement, dance.
6. follow the instruction given.

Practice (12 minutes)
4. Teacher will distribute the lyrics of the song (with some blanks) to the students.
7. The song will be played twice and they will have to fill in the blanks with the correct word.
8. check their answers,

To Bombay
A traveling circus came
They brought an ______ elephant
And Nellie was her name
One dark night
She slipped her iron chain
And off she ran to Hindustan
And was never seen again
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the ____                                                                                              Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump
Nellie the Elephant ____ her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump
Night by night
She ______ to the circus band
When Nellie was leading the big parade
She looked so _____ and _____                                                                                               No more tricks
For Nellie to_____                                                                                                              They taught her how to take a bow
And she took the _____ by storm
The head of the herd was calling
Far, far away
They met one night in the _____ light
On the road to Mandalay
So Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trum
Trump, trump, trump
Nellie the Elephant packed her _____                                                                                    And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump

(3 minutes)
1. Teacher asks students have they have learnt from the lesson.
2. Teacher instils the moral value of being moderate and learn to love their nature.
- to make an overview of what the students have learnt and also to instil moral value

*gajah itu indah.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

skudap skudip - mamamu benci aku


mahu dgr mereka?

*posting, dilanda kebosanan..

Friday, February 4, 2011

how to make an apple bong?

-ini untuk para pejuang legalisasi ganja-

lesson 1, legalization.

at the end of the lesson, we should be able to make a natural bong with a fruity taste by using a type of fruit

1. You'll need an apple, a knife, a pen, and a piece of aluminum to build this particular apple pipe

2. Using the knife, core out the apple making sure that you do not puncture the bottom of the apple

3. Stick the shaft of the pen into the side of your apple pipe. (This will act as the mouthpiece of your pipe.) Remove any apple that became trapped inside the pen.

4. Take a piece of foil and poke a few small holes in the middle. Stick your foil screen into the apple

5. Enjoy the "fruits" of your labor and spark it up.

*kepada para "pengguna" ganja yang bijak sana, di minta anda tidak menyalahgunakan HERBA ganja ini.

refences ;

anda juga mungkin meminati ;

Thursday, February 3, 2011

kelebihan sistem parol?

sistem parol itu punyai kelebihan? *yeah.. seorang penjenayah di bebaskan dan di letakkan dibawah pengawasan seorang pegawai.. dan rakyat perlu menjaga makan minum mereka.. dan mereka, terus menerus menjenayah menindas rakyat.. di mana kelebihan sistem itu? apa benar pegawai polis yang mengawasi itu benar2 mengawasi? *cilaka. lagi satu projek penipuan yang berjaya. terima kasih kerajaan kerna membiarkan satu pembodohan..

*nasib mereka baik kerana rakyat malaysia masih tiada benci sesama manusia.. terima kasih saudara, bunga padi semua. kerna saling memberikan cinta kepada sesama.

-tribute untuk kebodohan sistem pentadbiran yang membodohkan..

harian metro, khamis 30 februari 2011 m/s 20

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

molotov cocktail ( tips medan perang) 18sg

AWAS!!! , mengandungi unsur jenayah yang tinggi.

rata-rata dunia sekarang, gerakan revolusi sudah bermula. wahai saudara pejuang di luar sana, di sini adalah satu tips untuk anda kelihatan lebih bergaya di medan perang di luar sana. *peringatan, jangan gunakan sekiranya anda tidak berada di medan tempur. penyalahgunaan adalah sama sekali dilarang bagi mengelakkan ketidak seimbangan ekosistem.. ;p

lesson 1 ; molotov cocktail

general objective ;
- at the end of the lesson, we should be able to make a molotov cocktail.

specific objective ;
- people who will join a  street demonstration, will have an opportunity to throw a molotov cocktail towards a tank.
- embracing extreme manner in a street demonstration.

values ;
-strictly no good values, ( extreme )

materials ;
- used glass bottle, gasoline, liquid fuel (kerosene/diesel), a piece of cloth, masking tape

intro ; - what is a molotov cocktail?
-a crude incendiary device consisting of a bottle of flammable liquid ignited by means of wick.
- in iran called molotovkoktor 

 1st ;
-One poures Gasoline (benzine) into a glass bottle. The bottle shouldn't be filled to the top, after all, it is to be thrown. 

2nd ; 
-A piece of cloth is put into the neck, keeping the gasoline inside. The piece of cloth is best used if it is soaked in something flammable too. It should not be soaked in Gasoline, but is more effective when soaked in kerosene (paraffin) or diesel.

alright people, now you know how to make a molotov cocktail. but please, make sure that you were in the right place to use this. since that, thanks for the lesson, see you in the battlefield..

*rise up, rise up, its the time to wake up and strive up.

references ; 
-anti-tank movement.
- freedom manual,